Monthly Archives: January 2020

Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

If you have volunteered at any time with Parker Sisters Ranch, please join us as we celebrate you! Parker Sisters Ranch is a successful program reaching into the hearts and lives of teen girls because our amazing volunteers. If you have volunteered in any capacity since we began, whether exercising our horses, barn chores or working with the students, we invite you to join us on Saturday, February 8th 11:00-!:00 for a long overdo thank you luncheon.

Please RSVP by 02/04/2020 to or text Patti @(408)391-8317


2020 Program Session Calendar

Sessions for Girl’s, ages 13-20

Spring Session – March 14-May 16 (off 4/4 and 4/25)

Summer Session – June 13-August 15 (off 7/4 and8/1)

 Fall Session – September 19-November 21 (off 10/10 and 11/07

(Dates subject to change)

If you know of someone who would benefit from our program, please contact us.

 Patti Johnston – Mobile (408)391-8317