4 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Hello- how do we find out more about what you do and who you work with? I’m a School Counselor with a La Vista Center a school in San Juan Unified School District. We are a school for Emotionally Disturbance. Please contact me if possible.

    1. Good Morning Trudy,

      I sent an email, but I want to make sure you received it. Thank you for your inquiry into our program.

      Parker Sisters Ranch works with teen girls and young women ages 12 through 20 years old who have experienced traumatic life events, such as abuse, sexual, physical or emotional. We have designed our nonprofit program to offer opportunities for the student to find their voice, to learn that they have value, to learn that their past does not define them. They learn it is okay to make a mistake, and that mistakes are just experiences to learn from. They learn to identify their feelings, because horses mirror our feelings. They learn to manage their fears in a healthy manner. It is so rewarding to watch the transformation that takes place in each student by the end of their 8 weeks with the horses and the women who walk beside them.

      We do eight-week sessions with each session limited in size to four students, meeting once weekly for three hours. Each student has an adult female riding instructor and an adult female mentor, as well as a horse. All the students, instructors and mentors participate as a large group each week for activities including ice breakers, games, demonstrations. The girls then break into their groups for horse time. Horse time involves learning to catch, halter and lead a horse. They learn how to groom horses; all the while being taught horse safety and horse behavior. The students are taught how to do groundwork with the horses, how to lead them to the arena and to build a relationship with the horse by lunging the horse, which teaches the students to set healthy boundaries and control their environment. The students’ progress at their own speed, continuing to build their horse handling to riding the horse. There is no pressure put on any student to ride the horse, our goal is to allow each student to experience the amazing presence of the horses.
      Each week ends with a large group time where each person shares their “takeaway” from the time we were together. They share how what they learned can help them if their daily lives. We wrap up the day by having the girls write what they want on a huge white board in the barn. Each student is encouraged to journal her experience and feelings during the week, in journals we provide them.

      As a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, we rely completely upon the generosity of others to operate Parker Sisters Ranch. There is no cost for students to attend, ever. We believe that every young woman should have access to an opportunity to find the hope and healing that horses provide.

      We are starting our next Session this Saturday, the 2nd. At this time this session is full, we start our Spring Session on April 27th. We had to allow make up days do to weather for this session. I would love to schedule a meeting with you to answer any questions you may have. Please call me at (408)391-8317.

      Patti Johnston
      Parker Sisters Ranch
      Wilton, CA 95693

  2. I can’t thank Parker Sisters Ranch enough for what it has done for my niece. You all are angels!

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