Meet the Founder

Patti Johnston

Patti was born with the sun at her back and the dirt beneath her feet. Her life from the time she can remember started in the country in Cherry Valley, California. It was there her family built their home together from the ground up. Being the youngest of four children, Patti was the dreamer. Her dreams revolved around horses, whether she was sleeping or awake. Her early childhood branded her heart with the love of life in the country surrounded by a loving family, long country days and hard work. Those early years were good years, filled with laughter, love and security.

Unfortunately, way too common to a lot of young adolescents, life changed for Patti when the she was nine years old. The innocence of that idyllic childhood on the ranch was replaced with abandonment and abuse. The innocent little girl stepped from childhood into a world of confusion, shame, guilt and pain. Her hope was found in horses. It was in their presence she found safety, acceptance and understanding. There is an relationship one cannot explain that forms between a human and a horse. Especially when that human has hurts buried deep inside her heart. The horse is intuitive, they read our emotions, there is a powerful, deep understanding, as though they truly feel our pain.

Because of these life experiences, Patti has a passion. She wants to bring hope and healing back into the lives of other young women and teen girls who have gone through similar painful times. She has learned that life does not have to be lived as a victim. Additionally, she has been witness to the miraculous healing powers of horses, and she is making this available for others. Her heart’s desire is to provide the opportunity for young women to form relationships with horses in the fresh outdoors, and restore the beauty of lost innocence. Perhaps old memories can’t be erased, but they can over-written with a vivid confidence that only horses can provide. This is her gift, her calling, and many young women will have the same chance she did – to live happily, and healthy with love and laughter.